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Workplace Diversity


Hiring and retaining good employees is an integral part of running a successful business. Training and retraining costs have risen steadily, making the process even more important. The Perkins Partnership focuses primarily on retention of women in the workplace, including retention of women of color.

While many employers believe that female employment issues revolve primarily around balancing work and homelife, studies have shown that women place an equally high value on opportunities for career advancement. A successful employer will address both areas of concern, adapting the company to the changing needs of a female workforce while recognizing the potential to cultivate top employees from this pool.

The Perkins Partnership approach to female employee retention includes:

Our program tools include conducting in-depth one-on-one and small group interviews; focus groups; surveys and questionnaires, including intranet surveys; and small-group and large-group multi-media presentations.

In focusing on retention of women in the workplace, The Perkins Partnership relies upon its own underlying corporate philosophy of the value of communication. Honest, direct communication between and among stakeholders is the foundation upon which we build successful partnerships for our clients with their audiences.

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